When can I start?
It is always a good time to begin. At any given time, there are usually available lesson slots. However, the PianoGarden schedule often fills up in September, so the best times to check availability are June through late August, or before each quarter begins, during November, February, and late May.
Before you begin lessons, you will need a reliable instrument, a quiet space in which to practice, and the resources necessary to finance regular lessons. You will also want to consider how practicing will fit into your life, i.e., how much time and energy you can reasonably contribute.
PianoGarden lessons run from early afternoon to early evening on Mondays and Tuesdays and from mid afternoon to early evening on Wednesdays. You can discuss time slot availability with Liz once you set up a time to talk on the phone.
If you have questions that are not answered here, feel free to click the "Contact form" link in the footer, below, to send a message to Liz.